Kiwis originally came from China and grow on sturdy, prolific climbing vines. At Les Domaines de la Taste, the variety we produce is the Hayward, a green-fleshed variety with a hairy skin and a sweet, tangy taste.
The fruit we produce keeps well and the island’s exceptionally sunny climate gives it a particularly fine, elegant flavour. Kiwis are harvested by hand in the autumn, when the sugar content is high enough (6.2 degrees Brix minimum). But we delay the harvest as long as we can to achieve an even higher level of sugar content. After 2 or 3 weeks at room temperature, the level of sugar content rises still further and the fruit begins to soften – it is now ready to eat.
The health benefits offered by our kiwis reside primarily in its high concentrations of vitamin C (80 mg/100 g). Weight for weight, they contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges and thus supply our entire daily vitamin C intake. When eaten for breakfast, kiwis help our body to defend itself from viral attacks and recuperate after periods of fatigue.